Thursday, September 15, 2011

Camping stoves alcohol are the smallest, lightest and easiest backpacking stoves Around

!±8± Camping stoves alcohol are the smallest, lightest and easiest backpacking stoves Around

Field alcohol stoves are the perfect choice for the backpacker looking for a stove small, lightweight, easy to use and affordable.

The alcohol camping stove is very simple, they have very few moving parts, no nozzles or orifices to clog and clean. Alcohol is a renewable resource and is not a petroleum based product. If you have a leak in your backpack, it evaporates quickly, so that no odor detectors. It 'the perfect fuel "green".

Ok, look at the pros andDisadvantages for alcohol camping stove ...


Simple - No pumps, pressure boosting, priming or pre-lighting. Fuel - Renewable, evaporates quickly, Burns clean (no soot), not oily or smelly. Lightweight - weigh just a few grams. Reliable - the first time you turn on whenever the time to protect your game against the wind. Safety - Fuel evaporates quickly and does not explode (not flammable). Fuel Transport - Simple, can be performed in a plastic bottle. Do not useuntreated aluminum bottle. If you are unsure, do not use it. See the note at the bottom of the page. Availability of fuel - Anywhere you can find in pharmacies for hardware stores. Noise - very quiet and does not usually heard. This may be a scam.

Noise - As I said above, very quiet can be a pro or a con. For that is quiet, but a scam, because sometimes you do not, if a flame. Flame - alcohol burns clear (slightly bluish) and this makesvery difficult to detect. Especially in the summer. Heating capacity - alcohol stove together to produce about half an ounce of heat, other liquid fuels, furnaces, or white gas, kerosene, Coleman fuel and style butane or propane. Group Size - A small group of 1 or 2, maybe 3 is the best because of the slower cooking time. This is not really a scam, but it's something to consider. The cooking time - it is slower due to reduced heat dissipation, but for 1 or 2 people, it is a good thing. Security -NEVER EVER, fill the oven with more fuel, while it is still burning or hot. This applies to all types of stoves. Cool - camp stoves alcohol are not very reliable in the freezing time. When the temperature decreases, it reduces the rate of evaporation of alcohol. This makes them very difficult to start. A work-around for this is to preheat the oven with a candle. Duration - Why are so small and light, may collapse. They can be folded, rolled, or simply destroyed withoutproper care.
Do-It-Yourself (DIY): alcohol camping stoves are perfect for the DIY crowd. The internet is full of instructions on how to make a camping stove alcohol.


Isopropyl - NOT recommended. This can be purchased from any pharmacy, but it's always too much water mixed with it. It's never just pure alcohol. Denatured - This fuel is mixed with other toxic chemicals. Many times the label will say it is for marine stoves. I would go withthis brand. Another way to tell whether the spirits, that you are all well, some of them burning in a metal bowl and leave at any residue. Do not use if there are no residues. Wheat - Alcohol works well, but can be expensive. Stay away from grains of color and go for clear alcohols such as Everclear brand. Note that you use to put it in the oven and not to keep your belly warm. PS This is the only fuel that can be consumed as human beings. ALLothers are toxic. Methyl - Other names are methanol, methyl alcohol, methyl hydrate, fuel line antifreeze fondue. This is a highly toxic fuel. However, the methanol evaporates faster than ethanol at all temperatures and would have a better chance you have the stove during the cold season. Maintaining this fuel and the stove that uses the food and pots. Alcohol gel - Like Sterno, Canned Heat alcohol gels. This is good to keep warm, but not forCooking. Not enough heating power. Diethylene glycol - Extremely toxic and is not recommended.
Types of alcohol stove camping

Open Flame - This is the simplest of all alcohol camping stove. It's basically an open, flat metal container that is poured into alcohol and turn it on. The pot is sitting on a grill over the stove. They are simple to construct and operate, but they are not as efficient with the fuel to heat ratio. However, a stove is very reliable. Fireplace or Updraft - This type of oven uses the updraft created by the heat of the fire, a chimney, the top of the oven and heating the pot. It mixes air with the fuel at the bottom of the oven for better control of flame on the tip. The vase sits on a rack above the stove. It has good heat and power is very reliable. Low Pressure Side Burner - This design uses the low pressure is created as the stove, but the pot sits directly on the stove. Same stovethe stove, just a different type of use. He has good power and heat does not need a support plate. Jet Open - This oven works by vaporizing the fuel and fire a little 'jet. The fuel is poured through the top of the center, it is very easy and allow to simmer, but is suitable only for small vessels. You must have a pot to keep the pot from the heat. Jet Hybrid Side Burner - This is like jet opening, but the vents on the side. The vessel is located directly on the stovepot is not necessary to this position. Pressurized Jet - This is how the stove jets open, but the center is closed so that the combustion gases under pressure. It burns hot and not boiling. Need support for this oven dish.
Points to note

Consider for a camping stove alcohol itself. Going to do you cook a lot of extreme cold? Burner-style - is not only necessary for a fixed style. You can specify a different styledepending on weather conditions and / or height. Cooking time, use the ratio of fuel - the relationship, how long it takes for 1 liter of water, the amount of fuel used to take the cooking. This is very important when determining the amount of fuel to do with it. Revelation of the flame - you going to be able to cook or not? Group size - Remember that 1-2 people are closer to the stove.
Note: Aluminium: "SIGG, one of the oldest and largest manufacturer of returnable bottles in aluminum, lines made of aluminumFDA has approved a protective coating to prevent toxins from leaching. "According to Elizabeth Borelli Organics NUBIUS.

Camping stoves alcohol are the smallest, lightest and easiest backpacking stoves Around

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